Hi everybody, I would like you to know that we are quite interested to hear your opinions on LessonSense.com . Also, we are very open for suggestions for resources that you are looking for. So, if there’s a specific theme that you cannot find on this site, please let us know! We will do our best to create some worksheets or craft ideas for these themes. You can post your comments or suggestions by clicking the ‘comments’ link right below this post. Hope to hear from you!
Open for suggestions
- Tags: comments
Great site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a teacher in Cyprus and i found it very helpful.It would be a good idea to have more downloads on numbers and sea animals.
thank u
please can you add colours and hygiene eg. wash your faxe brush teet, basic manners. i found this site very very helpfull thank you!!!
I love your website. I think you really create a lot of great learning materials for children. I would love to see some cvc words with pictures and words to match up. Thank you for all of your hard work. Lorria
I just came across your web site while surfing for kindergarten ideas. I really like what I’m seeing and plan to use your site during the coming school year.
This site is a brilliant resource.. It would be great to see some resources on emotions and feelings.
Great suggestions everyone! We’ll take all your suggestions into consideration.
this is a lovely site.it would be nice if u introduce rainbow and friendship theme lessons,crafts for kindergarten
A lesson on listening