Computers and younger children

There has been lots of debate whether computers ought to be used with more youthful children. Some educators doubt the worth of modern know-how with more youthful children. But some researchers have found lot of positive learning benefits with the use of computers in more youthful children, when an adult supervisor is involved. Positive impact has also been found on children with disabilities or special needs. It’s been said that technology can modify the way children think & learn.

Computers have become an important part of our everyday lives & will be even more in the future. Knowledge about computers might become as important to simple school children as reading & writing.

Children are great thinkers: their quickly growing brains are assimilating lots of knowledge from their surroundings. Lot of information is analyzed & stored in the memory cells. Positive play experiences, visual & auditory stimuli give a sizable boost to this method.

For example; I was one time pleasantly surprised day when I saw my children playing with their toy fishes. They were holding a couple of dolphins, making leaping movements with their hands & dolphin sounds with their mouth simultaneously. They were pretending that the dolphins are playing in the water. Then they picked up a whale which started speaking to the dolphins. They made whale sounds with some clicks and tweets. Being a mother I was fascinated & naturally very proud. I learned later that they were taking a look at the Encyclopedia with their father, on the earlier day & had repeatedly watched the sound clips & tiny video clips.

Explore, generate & learn while having fun. That is a child’s life. Playing is much more to children then having fun. As children play, they learn about themselves & their surroundings. They learn social skills, learn to solve issues & also create their motor skills. Playing enhances their creativity & imagination.

These days brilliant computer based educational games & activities are available in the marketplace for children. There’s excellent sites on the net, which give information & educational games for children. Parents & caregivers ought to find play activities fit for their children. They ought to be challenging, but not frustrating or overwhelming. Parents are their kids’ first playmates. Children enjoy a game lot more when a parent or member of the relatives is involved in the play.

Should children surf on the net? It is an information super-highway. It’s its own benefits & risks. Children using net without supervision is a risk, but with a knowledgeable & responsible adult it could bring lot of benefits. It is like driving an automobile. Children can safely ride & enjoy the information tremendous highway while a responsible adult is in the drivers’ seat.

There ought to be a limit on how much time children can spend on the computer. As a general guideline the rules can be similar to those used for viewing TV. Anything completed in excess can be harmful. Consumption of lots of vitamin tablets in a day may even be harmful.

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1 Comment

  1. thanks got a few good activites, great help , whould like to see more on toys theme with extra info.
    thanks again..

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