What is LessonSense.com?
We create and provide free lesson material and ideas for preschool and elementary age children. You will find loads of downloadable material that can be used in lessons of your own or at home. What you will not find here are strict lesson plans to follow: The suggestions and materials can be used to create your own lessons.
All of the worksheets and crafts ideas have been created by ourselves.Â
If you are a teacher, please use our materials as your teaching resources. Parents may also print this out for their child to do at home. Remember to bookmark this site, we are adding new material regularly.
If you have any questions, please send me an email or add something to our guestbook.
Enjoy your stay!
So tell me, who is the person who created all these materials?
My name is Sanne and live in the Netherlands.
And what do you do for a living?
I’m a consultant in developing educational materials for publishers.
Don’t I know you from somewhere?
That is quite possible if you live in the Netherlands, since I have been working on my Dutch site with free lesson materials for a couple of years now:Â www.jufsanne.comÂ
There are already lots of websites with preschool lesson materials, why another one?
A lot of the websites I visit are merely linksites, they do not have any original content on them. Other sites just copy ideas from other sites. There are also sites that do have original ideas, but they look a bit dull without any pictures or downloadables. Therefore I’m sharing my ideas with you!
So who are you doing all this for?
Well, international teachers mainly. Although most of the ideas are in English, some downloadable materials can be used in other languages as well. But of course other people besides teachers are welcome to use the materials as well, for example parents can use them at home to play/practice with their kids. ESL learners can use most materials as well.
Anything else you want to share?
Make sure you bookmark this site, since I’m adding new material all the time!