
New theme: Winter

Another new theme: Winter. There are worksheets and flashcards for this theme. You can also find some printable jigsaw puzzles and a wintermemory game on the worksheets and downloads page of this theme. Have fun!

New theme: toys

I added some worksheets and flashcards for a new theme: toys. You can also find some printable jigsaw puzzles and a toy memory game on the worksheets and downloads page of this theme. Have fun!

Free online coloring pages

New at are free coloring pages. Each themed coloring book consists of several free coloring pages that you can color, save and print straight from the website. You can choose from the themes animals, autumn, bears, Christmas, circus, Halloween, professions, shop, Spring, Summer and Winter. Have fun!

Spring crafts, flashcards and worksheets

It’s springtime! Make sure you checkout all the spring materials on this website. On the spring downloads page there are flashcards, coloring pages and worksheets. For some creative fun go to the spring crafts page, where you can find flowers, animals and other stuff related to the spring season. The spring lessons page has games, circle […]

Christmas worksheets and crafts

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And we have filled our Christmas pages with lots of worksheets, printables, crafts ideas and more. So go and have a look at these pages to find some inspiration on the Christmas theme: The Christmas crafts page is filled with creative ideas to make your own Christmas trees, bells, stars, […]

Halloween and autumn ideas

It’s that time of year, autumn is here again: The leaves come falling down and Halloween is also around the corner! This is just a short reminder that our autumn and Halloween pages are filled with fun stuff to do during this time of year. So if you want lesson suggestions or just some general […]