A collection of stories from ‘A Kindergarten Story Book’ and other classics
These stories are the result of several years of practical experience, and it is hoped that it will prove a valuable addition to the story repertoire of kindergartners and primary teachers:
- Billy Bobtail
- Cinderella
- Dunny
- Ethel’s friends
- Fox Lox
- Froggy’s adventure
- Grandfather Goodfield’s
- How Topsy kept warm
- Kid would not go
- Ludwig and Marleen
- Picciola
- The Brownies
- The coming of Topsy
- The devoted friend
- The fairy shoes
- The happy prince
- The hut in the forest
- The little long tail
- The lost comb
- The nightingale and the rose
- The remarkable rocket
- The selfish giant
- The sleeping princess
- The three little pigs
- The wee wee woman
- Topsy’s babies
- Topsy’s hiding place
- Topsy’s kittens