
Preschool learning activities

It is important for those who work with preschoolers to choose a preschool learning activity carefully. Teaching preschoolers is a rewarding experience and young children are like pliable putty in their preschool teacher’s hands. Those who teach children, especially preschoolers, experience one of the finest joys that life has to offer. If you have ever […]

Cultural diversity in early education

Preschool is no longer seen simply as a place where children play and have fun with their age-mates. Concerns about the educational attainment of the country’s children have refocused attention on early childhood settings as places where children also get ready for school. For those concerned with the issues presented by an increasingly diverse student […]

Education glossary

If you need help on words, terms and acronyms used in education, perhaps our education dictionary can help you: Education ESL Homeschool Kindergarten Mental health Preschool School