
Five Cows All Black and White

(Tune:  5 Little Speckled Frogs)

Five cows all black and white
Chewed their cud from day to night
So they could give milk sweet and pure.
Squirt! Squirt!
One left the barn one day
So she could find more hay
Then there were 4 cows all black and white.
Moo! Moo!

5 White and Fluffy Sheep

Five white and fluffy sheep

In the pasture fast asleep
Their wool kept them cozy all night long.
Snore!  Snore!
The farmed slipped away with one
And sheared the wool till he was done
Then there were 4 white fluffy sheep.
Baa!  Baa!

Down On Grandpa’s Farm

Down on Grandpa’s farm there is a big (color) (animal)

Down on Grandpa’s farm there is a big (color) (animal)

The (animal), it makes a sound like this (animal sound)

The (animal), it makes a sound like this (animal sound)

Oh, we’re on our way, we’re on our way, on our way to Grandpa’s farm.

We’re on our way; we’re on our way, on our way to Grandpa’s farm.

 (Use a child’s name in place of Grandpa and let that child choose the animal to sing about)