Music crafts


Materials needed :

  • scissors
  • glue
  • strips of paper in different colours
  • template of a xylophone

Let’s get to work:

  1. print out the template
  2. use different colour strips and let the children measure them.
  3. Tell the children to use different colours each time.

A simple but effective activity!


Materials needed :

  • scissors
  • glue
  • 2 pieces of brown square paper size 16 x16 cm or 20 x 20
  • black paper
  • 1 A4 size paper
  • yellow pieces of string.

Let’s get to work:

  1. Fold 16 squares (see the how to page for instructions)
  2. Cut in the square in the middle at both sides.
  3. Fold the tips diagonally and then fold the large triangle straight through the middle. Repeat this step four times.
  4. Cut or fold a small strip for the neck of the guitar.
  5. Cut a circle and a rectangular piece, paste the circle on the body of the guitar, and the rectangle where the strings attach to the body of the guitar.
  6. Cut and measure pieces of rope as strings. Paste the strings.



Materials needed :

  • scissors
  • glue
  • 2 pieces of different coloured square paper size 16 x16 cm or 20 x 20
  • strips of paper
  • strings
  • black paper or ready made circles size 1 cm
  • 1 A4 size paper

Let’s get to work:

  1. Use two different coloured pieces of square paper and fold them diagonally.
  2. Cut them both on the folded line. You now have 4 triangles.
  3. Cut two strips of paper and make sure that they’re the same size.
  4. Paste one of those strips at the bottom of the A4 paper.
  5. Use one of the triangles and lay the long side on the strip, the tip of the triangle points upwards. Take the same colour and mirror it.
  6. Use the other coloured triangles paste them on the sides.
  7. Paste the strip of paper on top.
  8. Cut a piece of string and place it on the edges of the top strip. Paste the black dots of the string.



Materials needed :

  • scissors
  • glue
  • A3 size piece of white paper (2)
  • A3 size piece of black paper
  • white paper
  • ready made black and silver dots

Let’s get to work:

  1. Paste the two pieces of A3 size paper together, or use 11/2 piece.
  2. Fold double and again. This is to make sure you have long beginning and a long end for the keys.
  3. Fold short strips in the middle
  4. Paste a piece of black paper on the right side
  5. Cut white strips and paste them onto the black paper.
  6. Use the silver and black dots on the other side


Materials needed :

  • scissors
  • glue
  • brown paint
  • paintbrushes
  • shoe box or a cereal box
  • kitchen roll
  • thumbtacks

  • yellow pieces of string
  • small box, like a matchbox

Let’s get to work:

  1. Paint the shoebox or the cereal box and the kitchen roll brown
  2. When they’re dry cut a circular hole the size of the kitchen roll on the side of the box. Stick the kitchen roll in the hole
  3. Cut a bigger hole on the top in the middle of the box
  4. Paste the matchbox on the lower end of the hole.
  5. Use the thumbtacks on the end of the kitchen roll and just under the matchbox
  6. Cut pieces of string and tie them from one thumbtack to the other.
  7. A typical guitar has six strings so despite what you see on the picture, use three thumbtacks on both sides


Materials needed :

  • old newspapers
  • starch
  • paint
  • paintbrushes
  • balloons
  • rice
  • funnel
  • thick sticks ( I used chopsticks but they were a bit too thin)

Let’s get to work:

  1. Use a funnel to put some rice into the balloon
  2. Blow up the balloons to a small size suitable for maracas and tie a knot
  3. Attach the sticks to the knot of the balloon with tape
  4. Cut the newspapers in strips and begin to paper-mache the balloon and the stick. Make sure you use several layers and that the end where the balloon is attached to the stick is quite secure
  5. When dry, paint the maracas to your own desire.

A simpler version without using paper-mache or the sticks is made with a toilet roll. Close one end by folding some paper over the edges. Put some rice in the toilet roll then close the other end. Decorate the toilet roll and you’re done.